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    Bradford Council consults on revised Local Plan

    Bradford Council is now inviting public comments on its revised draft “Preferred Options” Local Plan 2020-38.  The consultation, which includes a new Call for Sites, and is to take place largely online, is open until 24 March.  To see further information and to access the consultation documents and comment forms, please use the links in the message below.

    The Bradford District Local Plan and supporting documents are available to view on the Council’s new consultation software OpusConsult and OpusMaps consultation website here – Local Plan consultation system.  

    An interactive Call for Sites form is available from on the Local Plan consultation system.

    Alternatively, a full suite of Print/PDF versions of the plan are available to view and download on the Council’s main Planning Policy webpages and via: Bradford Council Consultations.   

    Due to the current pandemic, the consultation material will only be available online and paper copy documents will not be available in the usual deposit locations.  We are however putting measures in place to improve accessibility to the plan with a special order request service for paper material for people unable to access digital material.