General Enquiries

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    Remember D-Day, 80 years on in Addingham Village

    On the 6th June, groups within the vilage will provide opportunities and events to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. These include:

    Displays in the Hub and Library window provided by the Heritage Group, Addingham Primary School and Library Volunteers, all day and throughout June

    Refreshments outside the Hub provided by the WI with 1940’s music and visitors from 1940’s characters, 2-5pm

    Bellringing at St. Peter’s Church, 5-6pm

    Time for Reflection, led by Addingham Churches Together along with Addingham Primary School at the War Memeorial. 6.15pm-7pm

    Performances by Addingham Singers on the deck at The Swan, 7.30pm -8pm

    Cinema Club e will show ‘The Longest Day’, 7pm on Friday 7th June

    D-Day event details 2024